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Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Rob-o-Matic: Compilation of Animation 09

Since the last comp, I've fixed the blue stripe in the advert and I've added in the new wine bottles. In this version of my animation I still need to add in the sounds of the robot as he moves around and emotes throughout the animation. I also still need to add in sounds for other small things like when he chucks the remote onto the sofa near the beginning. After listening to this through the speakers of my computer (not through headphones) I feel like the new sounds at the beginning of my animation might be a bit too quiet. I'll be interested to hear anyone's opinion on this.

1 comment:

  1. I think you need the sound of someone actually getting up from the sofa... and if you've got footsteps in there, then yes, it needs to be more purposeful and obvious, as I couldn't hear them decisively.
